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Help with Grief and Loss

Grief and Loss

What is Grief and Loss?
Grief is a universal experience. It is a human response to the loss of someone or something we love and value.
Grief is not only due to a physical loss of a loved one or friend, it can also be caused by a financial loss, a relationship ending, a family breakdown, the loss of a job or even the feeling that you have lost your own identity.  All of these are a natural part of our lives and shows how Grief and Loss are closely related.
The period of time a person grieves for can be influenced by culture and the persons past experiences and beliefs. Greif will be experienced uniquely by each person and we need to practice patience and allow ourselves and others the time needed to grieve. There is no specific timeline for grief, but in general the pain will subside over time. Things that may influence the grieving period are:
  •  relationship and attachment to the person or thing that was lost
  •  the circumstances surrounding the loss
  •  existing coping strategies and
  •  how emotional distress has been managed in the past
  •  available support networks.
If the symptoms of grief and loss do go on for sometime and then start to have adverse effects on other areas of life, such as; work, relationships, hobbies and pursuits; it may be time to seek some help and understanding on how the grief is being processed.
Depending on the individual and their past experiences, if they fail to acknowledge and deal with their grief and loss in a healthy and realistic way it may lead to that individual experiencing Psychological Stress which of course may then develop into Anxiety or Depression.
After a retreat you will have processed your grief/loss in positive way, learning acceptance and understanding for your new situation.
Firstly you will understand that your grief/loss was a way to hold onto a past that made you feel safe, secure, whole and worthy. You will learn that your Grief/Loss is not bad, or wrong and neither are you. You don’t need to be 'fixed’, it’s just that holding onto a past that no longer exists is not the most effective way of creating a sense of safety, security, wholeness or worthiness. We will help you develop a more effective way of processing the Grief and by letting go of the belief that your life is less valuable or worthy without it, you will establish a different relationship to your change ofcircumstances. By changing the meaning you are giving to this experience, you will be able to move on, with a greater sense of appreciation, gratitude and understanding for what you do have and did receive.
You will feel more empowered, with more peace and acceptance.

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