Replenish Your MindRebuild Your BodyRenew Your Life

Our Guests

Our Guests

Renew Health Retreat has been founded for anyone who is looking to make some changes in their lives and are usually hoping to find a greater sense of peace, happiness and wellbeing.

Our guests range from people who are experiencing mild nagging dis-ease and are just wanting to tweak a few things, to people who are looking for Healthy Holistic solutions to help with more serious Mental and Emotional health issues.

Our Guests often;

  • Are dealing with Stress, Depression or Anxiety and are looking for healthier and more sustainable ways to deal with these than some of the approaches out there.
  • Come to deal with intense feelings of grief and loss.
  • Are feeling overwhelmed
  • Are not coping effectively with the pressures of their lives
  • Have developed unhealthy coping mechanisms
  • Feel they have no direction of purpose in life
  • Have low Self-worth/ Self Esteem
  • Have a general feeling of dissatisfaction and feel that life could be better.

If you can relate to any of the above, is it time to “Renew Your Life”

Read our valued renewed guest's testimonials

Contact us to Renew Your Life Here


Relaxed Bali Guest
Bali waterfall
Bali guests
Renewed Sunshine Coast guest
Renewed Sunshine Coast Guest
Sunshine Coast valued guests